Speaker Introduction Reel


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Wendy Capland - Your Next Bold Move for Women Book


Certainly a lot of basking going on at HFI because of the great program you conducted with our Executive Team. It was a great a great program on both a personal and professional level. Thank you.
Jerry Vitti, President and CEO, HealthCare Financial

Your work makes us look good and at the same time provides our women with a wonderful experience and leadership development. Thank you so much!
Paul Saganey, President, Integrated Financial Partners

This will be our 3rd year sending a table of women from our IT organization to Vision Quest Consulting’s Women’s Leadership Retreat. Our women are getting tremendous value from attending these programs and are coming back renewed and with a stronger sense of who they are and what their biggest contributions are as leaders and individuals. This past year, they were so inspired, they started a Women in Technology affinity group within the company to support each other’s growth and development. The work this team is doing around this is amazing. Personally, I have been attending this Retreat for 10 years. Both my work with VQC and my attendance at these retreats for the last 10 years has given me clarity of purpose and helped me align myself to work I find tremendously satisfying. This clarity has helped me continue to grow and evolve my career and most recently, I received an award and one of our company’s highest honors as a top contributor, in addition to an unexpected recent promotion. I am thankful for Vision Quest’s women’s leadership programs both for my own development and for the network of wonderful women I have met there.
Kelly Villanueva, VP, Human Resources, Hanover Insurance Company

So much wisdom and guidance provided by your wonderful program and attendees. I can’t wait to apply what I was exposed to and learned. I had some really valuable ah-ha’s related to my role at work that I’m going to implement right away. Every time I am at a VQC program, I feel enlightened and refreshed. I am so glad that our paths have crossed at this time of my life. Thanks so much for all you do for me as a person and for women overall.
Kim Moulton, Chief Compliance Officer

A huge thank you for presenting at the Genetech Women’s Leadership Summit. Summit participants raved about your workshop and left the session full of new insights and inspiration.
Genentech WLP Summit Chair

When I’m in your program, I feel as if I’m the boldest, most courageous and able version of myself. It’s amazing!
Kerriann Graham

I do believe that I have grown and changed so much in the past three months, and it is due to finding and participating in The Women’s Leadership Intensive and the incredible thought provoking exercises. I credit this program with helping me find my voice and giving me the strength and determination to continue to move forward.
Sheri Guzolek, Cisco Systems

Free Notes of Inspiration


About Vision Quest Consulting

Wendy Capland is the Chief Executive Officer of one of America’s most innovative leadership development firms.


Wendy Capland Keynote Speaker

Wendy Capland has been a leadership speaker for hundreds of organizations, including MetLife, Hologic Corporation, The Conference Board, and Simmons Leadership Conference.


Wendy Capland Womens Leadership Speaker

Wendy Capland is one of America’s foremost authorities on Women’s Leadership and has created leadership development programs for organizations and individuals alike.